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Tag: linkeddata

Using interface encapsulation to listen to linked data predicates

Introduction The article was a submission to ISWC 2014 Developer Workshop Linked data and its RDF model is known for its flexible schema less structure and integrated meta-data. Although this is great for expressiveness of the data, its is a nightmare for interface developers since all the modern interface paradigms are tree based. The standard way of interacting with data in these user interfaces is to use application logic to interact with interface elements which needs to query the data and decide which piece of information to put in which element. Trying to push free format RDF in a tree…


Using IBM DB2 NoSQL Graph Store in Websphere Application Server Community Edition

This is the first of a series of blog posts about our experience with the IBM DB2 Express-C NoSQL Graph Store (hereafter DB2 RDF) in combination with IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (hereafter WASCE). The DB2 RDF product allows the storage and manipulation of RDF data. The data can be stored in graphs, all according to W3C Recommendations. The DB2 RDF product uses the Apache Jena programming model to interact with the underlying store. In the very detailed documentation there is an outline of products and tools needed to get the basic DB2 RDF programming environment going. This series…

linked dataTechnology